Thursday, March 3, 2011

In Search of The Perfect Gig

The Business That Pays the Bills (Wrap-N-Pack) has demanded our undivided attention for the past year. We've managed some songwriting and recording, and we play occasional gigs, but mostly we've been busy helping our customers.

We probably should have stepped into this musician thing back when we were young and bullet-proof. But here we are, in our fifties, where a good night's sleep is mandatory, and our business and our kids require us to be upright and responsible during the day. So nighttime gigs are pretty much out of the question.

Late nights are not an option, and our free time is limited. That didn't keep us from envisioning The Perfect Gig for Still Married: It's in the early evening and it lasts about an hour. At The Perfect Gig, the audience is congenial and connects with the music. There are smiles, mutual respect.

It's elusive, and, we thought, probably imaginary.

But last Friday afternoon, we lucked out, and enjoyed The Perfect Gig, when we played our tunes for the residents at Oakdale Heights Assisted Living. The folks there were kind, beautiful and generous with their attention. They smiled, they sipped wine and sang along while we played "Stand By Me" and "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain." We felt truly blessed to be there and share the music.

Now that we know where The Perfect Gig awaits, we look forward to returning.


~ kjb said...

They were lucky to have you. Nice to connect that way. :)

~ kjb said...
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